Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Prezi Presentation

I will show you my classroom this week, but I have been so busy lately! I started school this week, so my free time to peruse the internet has ended! Here's the latest Prezi presentation I created! Enjoy learning about the basic principles of government!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fired up!

Two years ago I worked in Flowing Wells as a high school World History teacher. It was my first public school job (worked three years at charter schools) so I was really nervous for the school year. Three weeks prior to school starting they ushered all first year teachers through an intense training program that completely changed the way I teach. I learned so much, but still felt confident I could use the techniques I learned in the classroom. I also met the most wonderful people there. The teachers were excited about their jobs, genuinely liked the kids and were involved in sponsoring extra-curricular activities (we had to, but most seemed enthusiastic). The principals were supportive and the counselors were helpful. It was the best school year I have had in my career. That may have changed as time went on, but I truly loved that job.
I still do love teaching, but it is not the same as working at Flowing Wells. This year we have a new principal, but I am cautiously optimistic. Our school was hit hard by poor leadership, infighting among the office personnel and a general feeling of malaise among the teachers. I will take the optimism Flowing Wells has for its school year with me and try to be the best I can be for myself and these kids. Watch this video! F-Dub it up!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm having a serious case of the blah's whenever I think about school. We are moving out of the house we are living in now to a new house that is much older, but closer to where everything is in Shreveport. The bathroom was neon orange, so I spent a day priming and then painting three coats of paint around the bathroom (Thanks Erin!). I also painted the dining room a bright blue in place of the dark green walls. The other rooms are also hunter green, but I don't have the desire to paint anymore. I painted and decorated the two most visible rooms to where I want them and I will have to leave it at that. We are still moving this week and will finish next weekend. Needless to say, school has taken a back seat. I will show up on August 16th for in-service training and then we will start August 18th. I'll be fine, but I have to get over the "blah, blah,blah's" before then. I promise more positive blog posts next week!